Literacy for early childhood

If You Take a Mouse to School - Book activities
Start off the new school year with the activity pack which accompanies the book ‘If You Take a Mouse to School’ by Laura Numeroff.
The packs includes:
Literacy Center- ABC order
Literacy Center- Syllable sort with three differentiated worksheets
Sequencing picture cards
Sequencing worksheets - two cut and paste activities
Story sequencing worksheet- beginning, middle and end
Graphic organisers
Character description
If I took an animal to school… writing and drawing activity
List the things the mouse did at school
Making comparisons- write three things you do at school and three things mouse does
Retell the story writing worksheet
School writing activity
Making comparisons- what is in my backpack compared to the boys
Text-to-self connections- Draw and write you at school and the mouse at school
Two what happens next drawing and writing worksheets
Venn diagram

The Gingerbread Man Loose in the School - Book activities
Start off the new school year with this activity pack which accompanies the book ‘The Gingerbread Man Loose in the School’ by Laura Murray.
It is a fun story to use to help introduce your children to the school and staff.
The packs includes:
Sequencing picture cards- these are in full color and also in black and white
Sequencing worksheet cut and paste
Story sequencing worksheet- beginning, middle and end
Graphic organisers
Character traits
My favourite part of the story writing and drawing activity
Design a Gingerbread Man and Design a Gingerbread Person worksheets
Asking question- Think of Who, What, When, Where and Why questions to ask the Gingerbread Man
The Gingerbread Man Is, Can, Have grid
Problems and solutions- three differentiated sheets
Retell the story writing worksheet
Design a MISSING poster- three differentiated versions
Missing word worksheets- two versions with each one differentiated
Text-to-self connections- What I do at school and what the Gingerbread Man does
Three what happens next drawing and writing worksheets
Write three sentences about the Gingerbread Man
True or False sentences about the story- differentiated versions
Instructional writing- write the recipe for Gingerbread Men
Comprehension worksheet

The Jacket I wear in the Snow is a perfect story for Christmas and wintery weather.
This pack is full of retelling activities, writing activities and book activities.
The activities included are:
A cut and paste story sequencing worksheet
A set of comprehension question cards to choose the correct answer from a choice of two
Worksheet- colour the clothes you would wear in snowy weather and in sunny weather
A snowy day writing activity
Cut and paste worksheet of what you wear in snowy weather-children can talk about the order the clothes are put on and paste the clothes onto the boy and girl. This activity is included in colour and also in black and white for the students to color themselves
Graphic organizers
Writing sheets- 8 different worksheet to list five things the old lady ate such as five things that are green, five things that begin with ‘b’. Plus a blank version of the worksheet
Label the snowy weather clothes
A Question worksheet
Writing activity to make a list of snowy day clothes
Two text-to-self connections worksheets
A word search with vocabulary from the story
Writing activity to write three sentences and draw a picture

Sneezy the Snowman activity pack
Sneezy the Snowman is a class favourite book for the Winter.
The activities in this unit include:
Sequencing cards in colour to help teach the children sequencing and story retelling. These can be used in a pocket chart or can be put in a center.
Graphic organizers for character traits, summarizing the story and writing about the story parts.
Writing activities including writing about favourite parts of the story, writing three sentences about Sneezy, Write a list of things to keep Sneezy away from etc
A story sequence sheet to cut and paste pictures.
Cause and effect- fill in the missing boxes on one sheet and draw the effects on the other sheet.
A comprehension worksheet.
If I were a snowman sheet- a fun worksheet for children to design a snowman, name him and think of some things the snowman might like to do and eat.
Instructional writing- write four steps to building a snowman plus a worksheet where children could draw four stages of building a snowman.
Label Sneezy- two worksheets one with the words provided and one without.
Sneezy adjectives worksheet.
What made Sneezy melt? Draw the different things that made Sneezy melt in the story.
Craftivity with writing activity.

THERE WAS AN OLD LADY WHO SWALLOWED A BELL - Christmas story resource pack
There was an old lady who swallowed a bell is a perfect story for Christmas!
This pack is full of retelling activities, craftivities, writing activities plus a set of colored sequence cards.
The activities included are:
A set of 14 coloured pictures for sequencing the story- these can all be used or for younger children just a few of the main picture cards can be used
Comprehension worksheet
A set of comprehension question cards to choose the correct answer from a choice of two
Worksheet- colour the things the old lady swallowed and put a cross through the things she didn’t swallow
Craftivity- assemble the parts and fill in a choice of two sentences
Cut and paste worksheet of what the old lady ate
Craftivity- cut out the old lady and feed her the picture cards in order- the face can be pasted onto a box and the mouth cut out
Writing sheets- 8 different worksheet to list five things the old lady ate such as five things that are green, five things that begin with ‘b’. Plus a blank version of the worksheet
Missing word worksheet to complete the sentences with the words listed at the bottom of the page
A Question worksheet
A story retelling worksheet to write four main parts of the story
Sentence scramble pack which can be used for activities or a literacy center with words to sequence and three worksheets to cut and stick the words to make the sentences
A cut and paste story sequence worksheet
Simple picture cards to sequence for the story

New Term bumper pack- Multicultural, classroom set
A great set of resources for displaying in your new classroom.

Outdoor learning bundle- Outdoor Play EYFS, Literacy, Numeracy
Three great packs for enhancing your outdoor learning environment in the Early Years.

Growing beanstalk story resources - Jack and the Beanstalk, Jasper's Beanstalk, Jim and the Beanstalk
Three great story resource packs packed full with display materials, games, worksheets plus lots more

Growing plants bundle plus Garden Centre role play
A bumper topic pack for Growing, a fun role play pack to create your own Garden Centre and two complete story activity packs.

Seaside story pack- Under the sea
Six great story packs to fit in with your Seaside topic:
Commotion in the Ocean
Fidgety Fish
Sharing a Shell
The Fish who could Wish
The Rainbow Fish

Pirates bumper pack- plus pirate ship role play
A bumper topic pack for pirates, a fun story resource pack for the book ‘Pirates Love Underpants’ and a complete role play set to set up a pirate ship.

Minibeasts topic pack and story resources- Very Hungry Caterpillar
A bumper pack of minibeasts resources plus three book activity packs.

Seaside bumper pack- role play, story resources and topic pack
This bundle contains the bumper seaside topic pack, two seaside themed story packs and a fun role play pack for creating a seaside role play area.

End of Term / Summer resources pack- writing, memory book, class certificates
A pack of great activites for the end of the school year or term.
Writing activities which could be made into a book or used for assessments.
A fun memory book to make for the children to take home to remember their school year.
A pack of fun, colourful certificates to give out to your class at the end of term.

CHRYSANTHEMUM book and name activity pack for back to school
This pack has lots of activities to use with the book ‘Chrysanthemum’ by Kevin Henkes. The activities will extend the story for the students and also let them think about their own name with various worksheets.
The pack includes:
1-Story map worksheet
2-Character traits worksheets for Chrysanthemum and Victoria
3-Colour photographs of Chrysanthemum flowers for your bulletin board or discussion
4-A Chrysanthemum themed writing page
5-My favorite part of the story worksheet
6-Flower craft activity- three different Chrysanthemum flowers to cut out and layer
7-Graphic organizers about the story
8-My first day at school worksheet for the students to draw and write about their first day
9-My first day feelings- draw and write about how they felt on their first day
10-My friends- two fun worksheets for the children to find others in their class with different qualities
11-Name worksheets- three different worksheets for children to think about their name and how many letters etc there are and also a worksheet 'All about me’
12-Sentences about Chrysanthemum
13-The alphabet- trace over the letters in the alphabet and then circle the letters in their name
14-This is me- a worksheet for children to draw a picture of themselves and then think of some words to describe themselves
15-Venn diagram- compare and contrast the characters Chrysanthemum and Victoria
16-Word search

CVC snowmen activity- phonics, spelling, winter, snow
A set of 30 snowmen to make to spell CVC words.
There are 6 snowmen for each middle sound.
Great for phonics activities during winter and the snowy weather.

Initial sound snowmen activity- phonics, alphabet, winter, snow
A set of snowmen to create to practice initial sounds.
Each snowman has the head with the sound on the hat and 5 picture snowballs to build your snowman.
Great for independent and group phonics activities during winter and in the run up to Christmas.

Multicultural alphabet line display - diversity,
Create a lovely colourful display.
This alphabet line has boys and girls each with different hair colour and skin tone and some wearing glasses to promote a diverse environment for your teaching.

Writing bumper resource pack- mark making, phonics, literacy
Writing Area Resources
A bumper set of resources to use in your classroom or setting to create a stimulating and exciting writing and mark making area.
The pack includes:
Display materials:
Phoneme bunting flags- 2 flags for each phoneme one with the phoneme on and the other with a word and picture containing that phoneme
Alphabet line- Large colourful pencils each with the lower and upper case letters
Alphabet desk card- an A4 card with lower and upper case letters and an initial sound picture for each letter
Alphabet picture frieze- A5 cards with lower and upper case letters and a picture for each letter
Alphabet strip- a table top alphabet strip on coloured pencils
Alphabet books- a colourful set of books each with the lower case letter on
Flashcards- coloured cards with days of the week, months of the year and the seasons
Display border- a colourful pencil themed border to print out as many times as you need it
Posters for your writing area- including ‘Our Writing’, ‘We like to write’, two posters for ‘What will you write today?’
Stationery labels- coloured picture and word labels for your stationery pots in the writing area
Tray labels- 20 labels for your resources trays
Word wall bricks- 100 bricks with Reception words
Writing flash cards- 28 writing themed words such as sentence, full stop, character etc –a great addition to the writing area for older children
Display banners- a long colourful banner ‘Writing area’ and ‘Writing’
Large post box- a large colourful post box which prints over 6 pages- print out and stick to a box to create a post box for the children to post their letters
Writing materials:
Birthday invitations- 3 different designs
Book sheets- a book review and 2 different sheets about the children’s favourite books
Letters to Santa- 5 different designs
Postcards- 3 different holiday postcard designs
Magic spell- 3 sheets for writing a magic spell
Menus- 3 designs
Newspapers- Lots of different designs for different abilities
Recipes- 2 different designed sheets
Shopping lists- 4 designs
Thank you cards- 4 designs plus two blank cards to design
Wanted posters- 5 different posters for different abilities
Wedding invitations- 2 designs
Activity sheets- trace over the numbers 1-10, trace over the alphabet letters, find and colour the letters of the alphabet
Writing border sheets- a large collection of A4 photocopiable sheets with patterned borders